The Right Moment

At some point, it feels like life is all about striking at the right moment, the right moment to ask for a paycheck raise, the right moment to propose to the significant other for a life-time happiness, the right moment to say the right thing. You name it! All the right moments make sense what we do and how we think.

The more I look at it, the more I’m proud of my Chinese identity. Clearly, can it be more Confucian? Everything needs to be the right way.

How did my mind drive into this philosophical train of thought? To answer this question, I will have to bring you back to the context in which I was a couple of hours ago.

I was doing a transcription in which the voice was talking about the importance of re-framing perspectives. Basically, the point would be we need to be more observant and tolerate to the opinions of others, because just as a double-sided coin, there are two ways or even multiple ways to look at a situation. If we would realize that, we would become more understanding.

Perhaps it’s due to my Chinese nature, the way it sounded naturally made me think of Confucius who was at a time vigorously promoting inclusive-learning and the importance of the way how things needs to be.

Even if when it comes to an argumentative matter, the involved party clearly would gain the upper hand to win an argument, if he or she is able to observe the way and see the other side of logic in reasoning.

Here is the story from my group discussion that drew a crowd of many.

A talented guy who reads a lot by all means also loves to argue. It was over a discussion about a book, to which he referred as a garbage with no value. He held that position verbally while several other individuals teamed up to respond against him. Followed was a dramatic confrontation typed in words. The guy, as smart as he seems on any other ordinary days, failed to see that it was not the right moment to fuel up that argument. Basically because during that battle of exchanges, others didn’t really all disagree with what he expressed, instead that what they wanted was a judgment-free environment to choose whatever they want to select to read.

No, it was not the right moment to argue for this guy’s point of view at all. Others were just simply fed up with being told what’s right and what’s wrong, which books to read and which ones not to. Should he have realized that, he wouldn’t end up with even a sliced sense of annoyance and frustration.

Indeed, it’s all about the right moment, just as our Chinese ancestors said.